55: Diensten voor hotel, restaurant en detailhandel .... II.1.5), Korte beschrijving van de opdracht of de aankoop/aankopen: Perceel 1. Meerjarige overeenkomst inspecties dakbedekking (en klein onderhoud) & valveiligheid. Perceel 2. Raamovereenkomst 3 leveranciers m.b.t. dakrenovaties en nieuw te plaatsen horizontale valbeveiliging. Het aanbrengen van nieuwe dakbedekking als onderdeel van aanbestede nieuw- of verbouwprojecten valt buiten de scope! ...
It's just stunning how disciplined these ?governments? are in implementing the shock doctrine exactly according to the process Naomi Klein described in her book. And for those who say that the US will not approach this level of economic ..... by a expected decrease in the quantity of the supply of oil (as a result of a production pullback because of the oil spill) and expected demand for a larger quantity of oil (because of summer vacations and peak season for farm use). ...
My dearest darling wives Sneha and Soundarya, My sweet kisses and warmest kisses to you. I am sorry that I did not blog all day - it was because that I spent all day wanting clean my room, and I got into a long and very long process of ...